WhiteboardCam Frequently Asked Questions

Mobile Requirements

The WhiteboardCam mobile app supports the following mobile operating systems:

Viewer Requirements

The viewer application requires a WebGL-compatible web browser. The latest version of Google Chrome is recommended.

Network Requirements

The WhiteboardCam app is designed to deliver high-resolution images regardless of network conditions. It always favors quality over framerate, and will send up to one frame per second if there is available network bandwidth. Typically, WhiteboardCam will use around 350 to 700 MB of network traffic per hour, so it's recommended to ensure the phone is on WiFi before using the mobile app.

Tripods and Permanent Cameras

WhiteboardCam is designed to work best when the phone and whiteboard are motionless. The phone should be placed on a hard surface instead of handheld, or even better, a mini-tripod for smartphones can be purchased for a few dollars to ensure excellent image quality.

To support single-purpose devices, WhiteboardCam is intentionally designed to support older smartphones. The minimum requirements are Android 5.0 (API Level 21) or iOS 11.0. This enables support for previous generation of devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S4 or iPhone 6, which were produced with high-resolution cameras, but are now cheaply available secondhand. One of these could be permanently mounted to turn a physical whiteboard into a virtual smartboard.

Open Source

The WhiteboardCam app itself is closed source. However, many of the reusable portions of code have been packaged into libraries published to NPM and NuGet under an open source MIT license:

If there is interest in making more of WhiteboardCam available, feedback is welcome on the discussion forum.

WhiteboardCam uses third party open source components. For a list, see the WhiteboardCam Open Source Attribution document.

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