WhiteboardCam Known Issues

The WhiteboardCam app is currently in public tech preview. This page lists the top known issues. For a more comprehensive list, see the discussions page on GitHub.

Exposure locks on some Android devices

Some Android devices, including the Samsung Galaxy S5, lock exposure when the mobile app is started. The app will need to be closed and reopened whenever a significant change in lighting or position occcurs.

Follow-the-herd is disabled

Follow-the-herd (the cow icon in the WhiteboardCam viewer) is a feature that allows multiple viewers to share control of the zoom, scroll, and enhancement settings. It is particularly useful in online meetings, where the meeting host runs a copy of the viewer to capture the whiteboard as part of a meeting recording, but isn't actively using the computer hosting the meeting.

This feature is currently disabled due to a regression in one of the updates. It will be re-enabled once fixed.

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